Liberia: Tragedy at church crusade, over 30 feared dead!

Police questions “Prophet” Abraham Kromah

By James Kokulo Fasuekoi in Minnesota & Patrick Stephen Tokpah in Monrovia

Author Fasuekoi

It has been established that over 30 people including children may have been crushed to death in a Wednesday night stampede at a church worship service in Bushrod Island’s New Kru Town, Liberia. 

Our correspondent in Monrovia, Patrick Stephen Tokpah put the number of confirmed deaths at 29, 18 of whom are adults and 11 children. A pregnant woman is also reported to be among the dead.

Scores of wounded worshipers are reported to have been rushed to the nearby Redemption Hospital less than a mile from the D. Tweh High School football field where incident took place. Dr. Williametta Gibson of Redemption Hospital informed reporters she had admitted at least 15 patients from the stampede.   

A street in the Liberian capital leading to New Kru Town, Bushrod Island. Photo James Kokulo Fasuekoi

A leading Liberian Gospel minister Rev. Dr. Christian Dagadu, whose church has also been conducting a revival at Stephen Tolbert Estate confirmed the tragedy Thursday, saying he had heard Liberian President George Weah was planning to visit the site of the stampede Friday.

Dr. Dagadu, whose church, Christian Evangelistic Ministries, has run crusades across the country for the past 25 years said during a phone conversation that another source had put the casualty figure at more than 30. 

There’s so far no clear account concerning what caused the disaster which led to many deaths; police, however, are said to have arrested a man found with a knife at the site and Pastor Kromah has been invited for questioning by the police.  

The crusade, according to reports, was hosted by a church named “More Grace International Ministries” being led by a man identified as “Apostle Abraham Kromah.” Details regarding the referenced church and its pastor or whom some also refer to as “Prophet Abraham Kromah” remain scanty up to press time. 

A Google search revealed nothing about “More Grace International Ministries.” However, a Twitter feed lists one “Apostle Abraham Kromah” as being a preacher of “THE WORD OF LIFE OUTREACH MINISTRY”, a name most foreign press including New York Times, have used in their reportage on the stampede.   

Meanwhile, our correspondent said President Weah has declared a three-day of mourning throughout Liberia to the memory of those who lost their lives.

This is an unfolding story, and more details will follow later.

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