Janet Sonie says yes to Boakai Zolu

Photographs of the young couple

“For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh” (Ephesians 5:31; Genesis 2:24 & Mark 10:7).

January 2, 2022 may have passed just like another day in the lives of many, but it didn’t for Brother Boakai Zolu and Sister Janet Sonie Zolu. Both declared their LOVE for one another in the presence of a large gathering, composed mainly of families and friends who had come to cheer and celebrate with them. The wedding ceremony was conducted by Zobon Malvin Zolu at the Fofana Residence in Caldwell, Montserrado County, Liberia. Young Janet, an outstanding performing artist and resident of Minnesota for over two decades, is the daughter of Mr. Orlando A. Sonie and Madam Maima Sonie of Liberia. The groom, Boakai is the son of Mr. Zobon Zolu and Madam Margaret Kolleh, also of Liberia. Special guests at the ceremony included Liberia’s Assistant Minister for Cultural Affairs & Tourism (MICAT), Madam Margaret Cooper; Liberia’s folks singer Baindu Kiazolu Browne and famous Liberian movie actor Frank Artus. Present also were former Malawala-Balawa actress, Madam Annie Sirleaf; Issabella Wreh-Fofana, formerly of Flomo Theater, along with her husband, Pastor Lusienie Fofana, all of whom are residents of Minnesota. At hand to entertain the newly wedded couple and guests were the Amotte Dance Troupe and Liberian Cultural Ambassadors, for which the bride was once a dancer; writes James Kokulo Fasuekoi. 

Editor’s note: Send us your wedding information including vows renewal for publication in this column; God loves it! Plus, you can contact Global Ekklesia @ fasuekoi1@gmail.com to cover your wedding and church’s events. Thanks!