Liberia-Crusade 22: God’s ‘prophecy’ to the people of Maryland came true!

-Testimonies abound as people are set free from demonic powers 

By James Kokulo Fasuekoi|Editor-Publisher

For years now, Maryland in Liberia, has become a place of pilgrimage for Rev. Christian Dagadu and his crusade team and the reason could be twofold-the region’s spiritual needs, plus its reputation for ritual killings-the most infamous being the 1977 ritual murder of Moses Tweh, during which at least seven, including two senior county officials were hanged.

In March 2021, for instance, Rev. Dagadu and his team, which consists of many local pastors, staged crusades in Pleebo and Harper cities respectively. And on Monday, February 14, 2022, his prayer crew was parking crusade equipment and leaving Pleebo for Barclayville, Grand Kru, after a successful weeklong evangelism work there.  

However, during Rev. Dagadu’s March 2021 crusade in Cape Palmas, something striking happened: Dagadu, under God’s anointing, received two revelations-that henceforth, God would expose whoever engages in ritualistic murder in the region; that the frightening and imposing Bombax Tree, known in Liberia as “cotton tree” in Harper, was doomed to fall.

In Pleebo City, Maryland, four local pastors gave their testimonies regarding events that transpired during Pastor Dagadu’s visit of March 2021.

By tradition, most Liberian towns, villages, and even cities, are adorned with bombax trees. And like the one in the heart of Harper, they are often shrouded in superstitious beliefs that some even harbored witches and evil spirits, harmful to humans.  

“If I be a man of God, anyone that will kill in this county hereafter-my God will expose you,” a local pastor quoted a declaration made by Dagadu before thousands of people at the Harper meeting of 2021.

The pastor’s testimony was supported by three other pastors who stood beside him on stage during “Crusade 2022” in Pleebo last week, Feb. 13th.

In this picture, two bombax trees known in Liberia as “cotton tree” stand at the entrance to a town in Grand Kru, Liberia. One of Pastor Dagadu’s 4-Wheel Trucks sits left in photo.

The pastor said Rev. Dagadu’s prophecy stirred up some murmurings and noise among locals after the crusade team left the county with many questioning, or doubting Dagadu’s message and refusing to heed the warnings. 

He explained it barely took a week thereafter when the lifeless body of a man was discovered by locals in a rubber plantation in Pleebo. 

The man had been apparently murdered and the body left under a tree. The killing was believed to be ritual related, known among the region’s tribes as “Gboyo.”

The incident prompted a mass protest and rioting in Maryland County’s two major cities, Pleebo and Harper, he said, thus forcing the national government to dispatch its elite crack ERU forces to the area to restore calm. 

Rev. Dr. Christian Dagadu speaks during a crusade recently in Pleebo, Maryland County.

“It is a strange thing for people to kill [someone] in Harper [Maryland] and be caught,” the pastor exclaimed. 

Everyone living in Maryland knows this for a fact, he said. ‘No one ever gets arrested for such a killing and the killers are never found.’

Notwithstanding, this case, he said, proved quite different as the executive ERU forces made several arrests of the alleged killers. 

A second pastor-speaker, similarly made a reference to Cape Palmas’ giant Bombax Tree that Dagadu had mentioned a year earlier that it would not survive after a crusade.  

“As I leave this place…this cotton tree [referring to the city’s bombax tree,] will not live”, the speaker remarked, quoting Dagadu’s statement. 

A crowd at the Pleebo City recent meeting

“Immediately the Old Man [Dagadu] left Harper…whatever happened, that cotton tree was cut down” he said to the roaring of the crowd. 

From the reaction of the crowd, it was clear evidence that almost everyone living in Harper City, including teens, seemed familiar with the story of the cotton tree. 

The gathering had responded with a unanimous “Yes!” the moment the speaker asked: “Ehn everybody know[s] the cotton tree I’m talking about?” 

In a brief remark, Rev. Dagadu acknowledged the compliments and praised Almighty God, saying, “I notice there’s a great fear in this whole city…but after this crusade, fear will vanish.”

For the past 25 years, at the start of every new year, Dagadu’s Christian Evangelistic Ministries Inc (CHRISEM), has organized crusades throughout the country, often targeting places that are still steep in idol worshiping.

Elements of charms placed to the altar by worshippers during Pleebo’s recent crusade.

On January 10th, CHRISEM kicked off Crusade 2022 in the Liberian capital, Monrovia, under the banner: Walking Under an Opened Heaven during which many became converted unto Christ Jesus and received deliverance from all sorts of demonic afflictions.

CHRISEM as usual embarked on its countywide tour after the Monrovia meetings and is presently winning souls in rural Liberia.

Like in Monrovia, young women and men walked to the altar and surrendered charms (other gods) they had acquired from “Juju” or “Molly men” believed to bring luck, provide protection against voodoo, evil spirits and remove barrenness. 

Elements turned over made a heap on the podiums in both Pleebo and Barclayville, Grand Kru, home of President Weah. They included finger rings, colorful bees and ropes, worn around women’s waists, and believed to attract “good men.”   

A CHRISEM prayer warrior and armourbearer watches over young women in Pleebo who apparently passed out after they were set from demonic powers by God’s Mighty Hand!

Without a vigorous and constant church crusade in the country such as CHRISEM’s ongoing meetings assisted by other local pastors, an entire generation could be most likely tempted to give their souls to the devil, Satan. 

Meanwhile, the crusade team is currently in Barclayville, Grand Kru, where it launched her first evangelistic meeting last Wednesday night, winning many people to Christ.

Among topics and prayer points being featured are: “Destroying Evil Power from my Bloodline Speaking Against my Destiny” and “Breaking Evil Altars-Covenant Operating in my Life.” 

Also complementing the nightly meetings are daily seminars that cover topics like Ministerial Ethics, Leadership Empowerment, Christian Family & Marriage as well as Financial Prosperity

Presenters include Rev. Jestina Mama Dennis, Apostle Dr. Samuel Carr, Rev. Alfred Wonshia, Rev. Paul K. Nmah Jr., and Rev. Dr. Christian Dagadu, founder and senior pastor, Christian Evangelistic Ministries Inc., Liberia. 

Editor’s note: This report was written based on live video streamed worldwide by CHRISEM’s press crew in Pleebo and Barclayville, posted on Dr. Dagadu’s Facebook Page. All photographs credited to CHRISEM.