How many Christians are obeying Jesus’ command of winning souls? Jehovah Witnesses do

Banner photograph shows some of Jehovah Witnesses doing evangelism near the YMCA building in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

Most of Christians appear to think nowadays it’s okay as long as we can attend church services, usher, sing on the choir, pay tithes and offerings, in addition to adhering to God’s Ten Commandments: ‘thou shall not cheat, steal, fornicate, or shed innocent blood.’ If you think so, you may be dead wrong!        

Yes, it’s fine for Christians to abide by God’s Ten Commandments while at the same time participating in church’s activities but those aren’t enough. What about Jesus’ instruction in Mark 16:15 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature?” 

But how many Christians are there, who obey this command of our LORD? How many of us Christians are engaged in evangelism, or have even invited family members, friends or workmates lately to join us at our church’s worship or fellowship program? Think about it because God doesn’t want to see any of His children go down into hell!

As we ponder our answer, Global Ekklesia wants to let you know that Jehovah Witnesses are very hard at work these days not only in the Minneapolis area but also in the outlying towns and cities in western Minnesota, doing evangelism which is what the LORD expects Christians to do.   

On Monday and Tuesday of this week for instance, Global Ekklesia’s editor caught up with some Jehovah Witnesses in downtown St. Cloud, MN, as well as near the city’s YMCA, where they were ministering the Word of God to both young and old folks.  

Global Ekklesia Editor Fasuekoi gladly looks at The WATCHTOWER news magazine Monday, published by Jehovah Witness.

Christians, let’s remember that it’s not just enough for us to count ourselves blessed and saved, and not do much to share the Word of God to the lost souls out there. 

God is Love (1 John 4:8). And if we love Him, we ought to obey His commands by doing His will-winning lost souls. John 15:12-13 “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”