After a big concert in South Africa, U.S. Gospel singer Sean Feucht hits Spiritual Life Church in Minnesota tonight

By James Kokulo Fasuekoi|Editor-Publisher

Banner photo shows a screenshot from a projector at SLC.

Last July, a charismatic American Gospel singer, Sean Feucht hosted a successful Spiritual Revival concert in Johannesburg, South Africa. Thousands showed up, seeking salvation and healing. Now, he and his crew will be doing it again, today at the Spiritual Life Church in Brooklyn Center, MN. 

A graduate of the Oral Robert University in Oklahoma, (as Dr. Judy Fornara, founder of SLC), worship evangelist Sean isn’t new to Spiritual Life Church-he and his band participated in a Spiritual Revival worship service there last year, pulling a crowd of over 1, 700 people, according to Dr. Judy.  

According to the church’s flier, Sean, a preacher, is scheduled to preach at the church’s 10:30 a.m. worship service this morning, and later tonight at 7: p.m. at the same venue. Theme for today’s worship service is PEACE ON EARTH

Christian singer has traveled to over 260 cities in the United States, taking his “Let Us Worship” Jesus Gospel movement along, during the past 2 years and healing many who have been hooked on drugs and alcohol. 

Born in Montana, USA, according to Wikipedia, POLITICO Magazine calls him “Christian Rocker” while Rolling Stone magazine dubs the 39 year-old songwriter as a “far-right Jesus rocker” perhaps, due to his charisma plus his fun-filled revival that often gets most youths drawn to Jesus Christ.   

His concerts have resulted in healing and spiritual deliverance of many through Christ’s miraculous power! His today’s visit to SLC, for some, is a big deal not so much because of the crowd he pulls but because scores of worshipers will eventually get set free from addictions and all sorts of demonic bondages.   

Spiritual Life Church in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota.

His popularity soared at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 after he started organizing large outdoor concerts across the U.S. to protest against restrictions put in place by the government.  

Before long, Sean and his team entered into another chapter of history-the George Floyd episode-as they joined ranks with civil rights groups, including “Black Lives Matter,” to protest the brutal Police killing of a Black man in Minneapolis in 2020.

At the end of his South Africa concert in July 2022, a gathering Christian Headlines placed at “over 8,000 people,” Praise & Worship singer Sean offered the following on his Twitter page: “Salvations, healings, freedom from addiction and So Much Hope And Joy restored today.” 

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