U.S.: Church’s fashion show exudes outward, inner beauty of Christian women 

By James Kokulo Fasuekoi|Editor-Publisher

“You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you” (Song of Solomon 4:7).

A rare church beauty fashion show hosted here at the weekend provided an array of Christian women a chance to show off their talents and beauty in the manner that God views women. Staged by Spiritual Life Church (SLC) of Minnesota, it included tips on make-up, hair and women’s fashionable clothing.

Featuring both young and older women mainly from the church, the show was more than just about the outward beauty of women in general; for the most part, it sought to teach women regarding their inner beauty in the sight of God, based upon Biblical views.

Sister Antoinette Brown, clad in one of her materials, marches blissfully through the crowd. photo: James Kokulo Fasuekoi

SLC’s senior pastor, Rev. Nancy Peterson, who delivered the keynote address urged the women to purposefully work harder and develop what she calls “that inner beauty” in each of the participant. The title of her sermon was TRUE BEAUTY.

Taking her text from Song of Solomon 4:7, Pastor Peterson emphasized to her audience: You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.”

Keynote speaker Pastor Nancy Peterson addresses the audience Saturday. photo: James Kokulo Fasuekoi

Notwithstanding, she reminded the audience of 1 Peter 3:3-4 “Your adornment must not be merely external-braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.”

Sis. Latrice walks down the aisles Saturday during the fashion show. photo: James Kokulo Fasuekoi

Pastor Peterson provided the women with a couple of soul-stirring footnotes, as cited below:

  1. Let’s co-labor with the Holy Spirit and see the fruits of the Holy Spirit active in our lives.
  2. Let’s learn to trust ourselves into the loving hands of our Heavenly Father, knowing He’s directing our pathways.
  3. Let’s purpose, to keep our hearts pure and develop gentle strength so that we can trust God and go through difficult situations.
  4. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to make us beautiful from the inside out.
Sis. Roslyn stirred her audience with a wide smile amid laughter as she walks down the aisle. photo: James Kokulo Fasuekoi

The program was characterized by powerful healing testimonies from some participants, and one such testimonies came from the keynote speaker’s own daughter, Kristina Peterson, now Mrs. Kristina Ross. 

A while ago, Kristina collapsed, and found herself at the hospital where she remained for 61 days in a coma and lost her voice altogether. 

Sis. Kristina Ross gives a touching testimony while the audience, including her mother Pastor Nancy Peterson (seated left) looked on. photo: James Kokulo Fasuekoi

At Saturday’s fashion show in which she participated, the audience cheered her up, as she narrated her painful experience-from the moment she fell off, to the point of walking out of the hospital and praising The Most High for bringing back her life!  

The event participants surrounded Sis. Kristina Saturday, stretching hands and praying for a complete healing of her body including her vocal cords. photo: James Kokulo Fasuekoi

Her experience, for many, no doubt seems to be a miracle especially for someone who could neither speak nor walk on her own just months ago–her current improvement must have been the work of a covenant keeping God.  

Sis. Joyce Cooper had her audience mesmerized Saturday by one of her latest Indian-styled fashionable wears she refers to as “Saree.” photo: James Kokulo Fasuekoi

Saturday’s show also featured some of Minnesota’s top women’s fashionable designers of African origins, who run their own cloths businesses in the Twin Cities such as Sister Antoinette B. Brown of Anto–Classic, and Sis. Joyce Cooper of Joyce 4 Designs, Brooklyn Center, Minnesota.

Banner photograph: Sister Joyce Cooper, owner of Joyce 4 Designs