Minn. Bible College & Seminary graduates more Christ’s disciples to preach Gospel to the world

The United States, Kenya and Liberia are among nations with the highest enrollment at the bible college and seminary. See who’s among new graduates.

Editor’s Note: The following pictorial provided by Sister In Christ, Ellena K. George.

On Thursday evening, January 25, well-wishers, friends and relatives gathered here at Spiritual Life Church in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, to celebrate new graduates of the church’s Bible College & Seminary “Class Of 2024.” In all, fourteen of Jesus Christ’s followers-many, working already as evangelists and pastors, received from diploma and AA to bachelor’s and master’s degrees in biblical theology after years of studies. Fourteen, is among the lowest the institution has graduated since post-COVID, and the majority of candidates originate from Africa, Asia and the United States of America. Evangelist/Christian Journalist, Bro. James Kokulo Fasuekoi, received an associate degree (AA) while wife, Sis. Martha Fasuekoi, a prayer warrior, received a diploma. The two are originally from Liberia, West Africa; they joined the rest of candidates in obeying the Word of God, found in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God” (KJB). The seminary will also graduate its first set of candidates for doctorate in Biblical Theology next May, founder and professor Dr. Judy Fornara announced Thursday. But while COVID may have affected student enrollment here, the church’s college enrollment seems to skyrocket across the Atlantic Ocean in Liberia. Two of its satellite college campuses in Buchanan, Grand Bassa, and Tubmanburg, Bomi County, are already set to roll out 100 graduates as early as this week, with earning ranging from diploma to master’s in Biblical Theology, according to Dr. Judy Fornara who’s expected to travel there with her husband, SLC senior pastor and professor, Dr. Joe Fornara for the events. The branch located in the nation’s capital, Monrovia, will at the same time graduate an unspecified number of candidates. “Pastor Judy” and “Pastor Joe,” as they are widely known by many within the Body of Christ, first visited the country in 1992, during the October 15 bloody war on the capital initiated by Taylor’s hostile NPFL rebel forces. At first both were forced to seek refuge at the U.S. Embassy temporarily but soon stepped out and began praying and laying hands on government soldiers as well as rebel fighters who were either going into battle or returning from the frontlines. The church presently operates six bible colleges in Liberia alone, says Dr. Judy, and has maintained its presence there for the past 30 years now. Liberia’s well-known and international evangelist, Rev. Dr. Christian K. Dagadu, along with wife Pastor Precious JL Dagadu, who are also graduates of the church’s Bible College & Seminary in the U.S., first led efforts to establish a bible college there, thus purchasing land near the once infamous INPFL rebel military base in Caldwell where the new bible college now sits; writes Staff Writer.

Pastor Odelta Keller Cole (1st R), received a master’s degree in biblical theology. She poses with evangelists James and Martha Fasuekoi. All three are originally from Liberia.
Bro. James and Sis. Martha posed with evangelist Bro. Herman Murage, a candidate for associate degree who comes from the East African nation of Kenya.
Evangelist Sis. Martha and husband Bro. James Kokulo Fasuekoi were also members of SLC Class Of 2024
The couple posed with their college’s dean and former teacher, Pastor Nancy Sky.

Banner photograph shows Sis. Ellena K. George doing a selfie as Bro. James and Sis. Martha watched.