Malls in Qatar & Dubai are buzzing with Christmas Carols!  

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8).

By James Kokulo Fasuekoi|Editor-Publisher

Banner photograph, a man receives a DVD autographed Sunday by US Christian singer Sean Feucht.

Qatar and Dubai which are among the most travel-destinations places for Americans in the Islamic world, the Middle East, would perhaps be the most unlikely spots for the playing of a Christmas Carol music that lifts up the Name of Jesus Christ.

Unbelievably, that’s exactly the case, shopping malls in Qatar and Dubai are sporting Christian hymns nowadays, tells famous US Christian Gospel singer, Sean Feucht.

Evangelist Sean Feucht speaks Sunday at Spiritual Life Church in Minnesota.

Christian hymns   

It’s something that had this famous traveled evangelist shock and couldn’t immediately comprehend seeing that the region is owned and control entirely by Muslims, he told a jammed packed congregation at Spiritual Life Church Sunday.

People, he explained, are playing Christmas hymns like “O Come Let Us Adore Him.” That, to many Christians seems strange, says the popular American Gospel singer-writer who staged big concerts in Johannesburg and New York in July and last November.

Worshipers in a pensive mood.

To the 39-year-old Montana born Praise & Worship evangelist and human rights activist, ‘this could be a new wave of change coming to these people who don’t know Jesus and need His salvation.

“I call Him sneaky Jesus!” he joked, stirring up a huge laughter throughout the congregation.

Harvest is ripped 

In yet another testimony, a lady who had come with Sean’s evangelistic team told the church of her personal experiences, including encounters with Middle Eastern kids from their recent November trip to war-torn Iraq as the congregation listened in awe! 

“They [children] were not happy with their faith…the religion of their parents. They felt it was empty.” “They wanted to serve JENZEE”, meaning, Jesus!


She said her team shared the Good News of Jesus with kids at an “unofficial refugee camp” in the region, saying, “I saw the hunger for Jesus in this generation.” “They [children] will be the most efficient missionaries in their own country in the future.”

A member of “The Burn”, an international organization formed by Sean himself a few years ago which rescues, feeds, and shelters hundreds of homeless and fatherless kids in places like India, Afghanistan and Pakistan, she thinks the harvest is ripe in that region. She called for both laborers and financial supports to meet the needs of the Gospel. 

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8).

A section of Sunday evening congregation at SLC.

Several of The Burn’s project team members also attended Sunday’s Gospel worship concerts at Spiritual Life Church. They came from India, Australia and Afghanistan.

Traveling ministry

The organization is a well-traveled evangelistic ministry in the U.S. and has branches worldwide. The group’s leader Sean is credited with having traveled to over 260 cities in the US in the past two years, doing crusades. 

Already, the team is booked for evangelistic missions abroad from next January to September 2023, and will visit eight countries, among which are Iraq, India, Israel, Indonesia, Egypt, Australia and Canada.

Sean preaches Sunday at SLC.

Sean, a California resident presently, is also author, musician, and a charismatic preacher, who’s elaborate revivals across the country is said to have set thousands of youths free from drugs and alcohol addictions and winning them to Christ.

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic Sean and his team often ran into trouble with the “law” and police for hosting large outdoor Gospel concerts, acts city officials said violated the government’s COVID restriction order.  

Well cherished so many people, a lady reaches out for a touch Sunday as Sean autographs a copy of his book.

He contended that the “COVID” restriction seemed to be directed at worship places while the authorities at the time allowed other businesses such as stores, liquor shops, night clubs and gay bars to operate. He argued Sunday in between preaching that such an act was not fair!

He has never shied away from national politics while performing his God’s tasks. In 2020 for instance, he ran unsuccessfully as a Republican for California’s 3rd congressional district.

Sean poses with me after he autographed a copy of “BRAZEN, Be A Voice, Not An Echo, that I bought earlier.