49 Pilgrims return from Israel after touring Christian sacred sites

By James Kokulo Fasuekoi|Editor-Publisher

About forty-nine evangelists that included seasoned pastors and teachers of Theology, who left the Twin Cities, Minnesota, last week to participate in a pilgrimage in Israel, returned home Thursday morning, praising God for their spirit-filled ten days journey to the City of King David. 

At Thursday night worship service in Spiritual Life Church (organizer of the trip), two of the pilgrims who are students at the church’s Bible College, Laura Johnson and Latrice Isibue, each gave heartwarming testimonies regarding their trip and experiences.

This is a section of the pool of Siloam in Jerusalem currently under excavation. photo courtesy of Sis. Laura Johnson

Laura, the first to testify, recalled the beautiful scenery, from their hotel windows, beginning from Jerusalem to Galilee, and also got a glimpse of the mountain Christ had gone to before He reappeared to His disciples and walked on the Sea of Galilee. 

Another part which caught her attention is the old site of the Pool of Siloam. this is where she said a group of archaeologists are conducting excavation in an attempt to reconstruct what exactly this pool must have looked like during the days of Christ. It is also where Jesus is reported to have healed a blind man, as cited in John 9:1-11.

A Jerusalem pilgrim certificate pictured here issued to Sis. Joyce Delama Morris. photo Facebook

For Latrice, the trip was worthwhile and filled with excitement, so much that the group she maintained, bolted into a powerful prayer after they arrived at “St. Peter’s Rock” (referenced in Matthew 16:16,) the spot where Peter referred to Jesus as “the Son of the Living god.”

She said the guards of the site soon led their group out of the place because of their “Pentecostal” style prayer which became louder.

Sister Joyce Delama Morris. photo Facebook

“This pilgrimage in Israel has strengthened my Christian faith, unlocked my purpose, and mission in life,” noted Joyce Morris of Spiritual Life Church on her social media page.   

“Oh Lord, thank You for what you started to do in your daughter Joyce Morris. Your way and will…not mine. Who the Son sets free, is free indeed”, she declared.