MN: SLC’s newest ordained pastor Gladys Aryee on fire for Jesus Christ!

…the kingdom of Satan is in big trouble!

By James Kokulo Fasuekoi|Editor-Publisher

A student of Biblical Theology for many years, Mother Gladys Aryee, an immigrant from Liberia, knew her calling well as an evangelist so much that her prayer even led to her dismissal from a former job in the state of Minnesota.

Unperturbed by such action she continued to pray for people whenever the needs arose. It all seems to be part of a process via which God was preparing her for a bigger task ahead. On Thursday, she became ordained as the newest Spiritual Life Church (SLC) pastor.

Newly ordained Gospel Minister Gladys Aryee

The ceremony took place at the church’s edifice located in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota and was attended by the church’s members as well as Mother Ayee’s own relatives and friends from the surrounding communities and cities.  

Mother Ayee graduated a few years ago, earning a Master Degree in Biblical Theology from Spiritual Life Church’s Bible College/Seminary. She served as valedictorian for her graduating class and is still pursuing further studies in Theology.

Minister Aryee hails from Liberia’s southeastern coastal city of Buchanan, the main seat of Grand Bassa County.

Minister Aryee stretches a point during her presentation Thursday night at SLC.

She belongs to the Kaizer Family, described as a “pillow” of Buchanan City.  

SLC’s Bible College/Seminary founder/pastor, Dr. Judy Fornara conducted ordination ceremony, assisted by her husband and pastor, Dr. Joe Fornara, president for SLC/Bible College & Seminary.

Both prayed fervently for the ordained minister to receive spiritual strength and guidance from the LORD God during the course of her work.

Mrs. Aryee collapsed, falling to the floor under the anointing power of the Holy Ghost when both Pastors Joseph and Judy Fornara laid hands upon her. Moments later, Minister Aryee was assisted up and handed a microphone to preach Thursday’s night sermon.

A scene from Thursday night

Her message was about Christians putting their trust in God and nothing else. In other words, Christians, she explained, ought to place their faith to action and stop complaining like Job and the paralytic did.

She made a reference to the story of the paralytic man who was by the pool of Bethesda whom Jesus asked “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:6, NIV).

Rather than shout a yes and receive a healing after some 38 years of suffering from paralysis, the man went on to reply this way: “Sir, I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred” (John 5:7,).

Fortunately, for him, LORD Jesus having compassion, said at once, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk” (Job 5:8). 

He woke up and was instantly healed and walked away as Messiah Jesus Christ had ordered.

Another example of complaining she cited is that of Job who “cursed” the day on which he was born, apparently, out of anger because of a series of lamentable tragedies that had befallen his family.

“O God, put a curse on the day I was born; put a curse on the night when I was conceived!” declared Job, according to Job 3:2-3.

Minister Aryee further advised Christian parents to teach their children to pray, ahead of troubled times, and not relax or get involved in sinful activities as people of the world.