USA-Spiritual Life Bible Seminary “Liberia branch” graduates 22 with Master of Biblical Theology 

…Seminary President in Minnesota, applauds new graduates

By James Kokulo Fasuekoi|Editor-Publisher

The Liberia branch of the U.S. based Spiritual Life Bible College & Seminary on Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Saturday, July 16, graduated twenty-two Messengers of God, with each receiving a Master in Biblical Theology, having finished studies in Biblical Theology. 

Evangelists Habakkuk Garpehn of Rivercess County, duxed his class, emerging Summa Cum Laude, while Nicholas Ansah, Sr. of Sinoe County, came in second place and graduated Magna Cum Laude. 

Dr. Joe and Dr. Judy Fornara, founders of US based Spiritual Life Church/Bible College and Seminary.

Named Spiritual Life Seminary of Bible Theology, the “Rabbi Class of 2022” became the school’s second graduation since the Bible College/Seminary moved to its new campus in Calwell, near Point Four, Bushrod Island, Monrovia. 

Graduation ceremonies took place at Don Stewart Christ Pentencostal Church in Point Four, Bushrod Island. About 200-300 people attended the program, according to a local pastor. 

This batch of SLSBT graduates came from all over the country except Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Gedeh and Gbarpolu Counties. 

Platform guests include (L-R) Pastor Claudius Cooper and Pastor Meally Freeman.

A special message from the institute’s president in the United States, Rev. Dr. Joseph Fornara, read in parts: “I strongly believe you are amongst the many persons God is raising through and by the Spiritual Life Seminary to impart your generation in Liberia and the world at large.” 

He pointed out that “the seminary was founded to increase the wisdom and knowledge of God in the man and woman of God to accomplish their jobs with excellence.” Dr. Joe Fornara and his wife, Dr. Judy Fornara are founders of Spiritual Life Church, Bible College & Seminary in Minnesota, USA.

He prayed for God’s “blessing and anointing” to rest upon all of the newly graduates in Liberia.

A graduate kneeling receives prayer.

Bishop Dr. Jackson Weah, author of two recent Christian books, served as commencement speaker. He’s also national bishop for the Kingdom Covenant Ministries International (KCMI) and Adjunct Professor at Cuttington University Graduate School in Bong County, Liberia.  

Present at this event included the following guests and clegies, Pastors Marvelous Teah, Samuel Marbloe, Meally Freeman (recently joined the staff from the U.S.), Mot. Cleopatra Watson and Pastor Claudius Cooper of the USA. 


The US based SLC-Bible College & Seminary goal of establishing a branch in this part of West Africa, came to fruition March 14, 2017, through the assiduous work of its alumni stationed in Liberia, Rev. Dr. Christian K. Dagadu, Sr. 

Dr. Dagadu initially served as the seminary’s first director and later passed on the duty to Pastor Cooper, currently based in the U.S. and oversees several churches in Rhode Island and Boston, Massachusetts. Pastor Cooper turned it over to Rev. Watson.